Sunday, May 25, 2014

On Memorial Day, A Way Look At Europe.

I am a Euroskeptic- in as far as it is being directed so far.

But the rise of the 'far right' in Europe worries me. While the press overseas tilts to the left (perhaps even further) than ours does, I don't catch them nearly as frequently conflating 'the right' with 'the far right,' in as far as saying the center-right is really no different. As such, I worry about these. What the media generally describe as 'far right' in Europe is ugly, whatever label is used for it. The rise of it is not cause for celebration. Sure, some policies may have pressure applied, but the risk is high.

It seems somehow appropriate to think of the unsavory recent history of Europe on this day. And learn from it.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Via Instapundit:

The commander of the 341st Missile Wing at the time of the failed exercise, Col. Robert Stanley, fired the officer in charge of security. But Stanley himself was later forced to resign amid a scandal related to hundreds of missile officers cheating on exams, as 60 Minutes recently chronicled. Stanley maintained, though, that his officers had failed the drill by only a few seconds and that it was presented in a different way than usual.

Sounds like a reasonable enough defense: they came close to succeeding and they had been thrown a curveball.

But if that is a good defense, why did he fire the guy who was in charge of security?

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