The government needs de-lousing.
The IRS scandal is either the first example of it, or the tip of the iceberg; the first glimpse of a massive amount under the surface. But at least part of the government has been weaponized for the benefit of one party. Given what we have seen before, where much of Foggy Bottom has worked against the foreign policy of Republican Presidents, it is likely that the IRS is not the only part. And you have strange things like the Obama administration pulling in-house the Census Bureau.
I want a candidate who will promise, and then follow through on the promise, to de-louse all of the departments under the Executive branch.
I want every canbinet head to either be, or promise to hire as a deputy, an accomplished prosecutor. We need those skills to dig into what's been going on.I want Trey Gowdy for Attorney General. I want a Trey Gowdy at or near the top of every single department.
I want every department to have, as one of its top priorities, a complete investigation into if there have been any employees engaging in using their position for partisan purposes. Any coordination with outside groups. Any selective leaking. And payoffs or preferential treatment to donors to a particular political party.
I want all of the dirty laundry aired.
I want prosecution of any where there is evidence to merit prosecution.
I want everyone found to have abused power, but not to the level of prosecution, gone. If they cannot be fired, I want a branch office opened in Nome, Alaska with them transferred immediately.
I want no phone or internet service at said office.
Central heating, no. Space heaters, yes.
I want the Census Bureau moved back to where it was.
I want hiring decisions to have, as a key point, intellectual diversity. If a division has employees who have donated exclusively to one party, I want preferential hiring for those who have not donated to that party.
I want the nonsense that has been going on, where one party has tried (and mostly succeeded) at taking over the federal government inside-out for their own purposes, to be corrected.
I want all email and data archival policies reviewed. I want those who weakened them, in Nome. I want 20 year contracts with archival contractors that contractually cannot be canceled for a partial refund.
And I want it immediately, once Obama is out of office.
Which candidate will step up and earn my vote?